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Women who love to the core w.ukraińska

Women who love to the core w.ukraińska

35,00 zł
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Cena katalogowa:43,00 zł
  • Producent: Vivat
  • Kod produktu: 9786176906940
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Are you good at chasing your loved one over the horizon, even if your partner doesn't need it? Do you forgive your husband for unacceptable things? Do you feel psychological pressure, but you cannot give up the relationship? You're in love, and it's time to stop! Unfortunately, love is not romance, no matter how much it is popularized by the mass media, mass culture, and even works of world literature. This is a dangerous disease, and the sooner you start to recover, the sooner you will know true female happiness. This book will help women who suffer from love to fundamentally change themselves and their lives. Say NO to psychological and physical addiction, because you deserve the best! Remember: you can't change others, but you can change yourself"

Robin Norwood
Ilość stron
205x135 mm
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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.